Children’s Orthodontics

Children’s Orthodontics

Your Children Deserve . . .

Broad, Beautiful Smiles

Mouth breathing can cause narrow arches and unattractive smiles. By using functional appliances while children are actively growing, we can help them achieve a broad, beautiful smile.

Healthy Jaw Joints

Many children with narrow jaws, deep overbites or receding lower jaws have unhealthy jaw joints which can cause:

  • Headaches
  • Neck pain
  • Dizziness
  • Earaches
  • Fainting
  • Clicking or locking jaws
  • Difficulty opening jaws
  • Ringing in the ears

Early use of functional appliances can prevent or eliminate these problems.

To Breathe Freely

Mouth breathing can lead to orthodontic problems as well as other problems, such as lack of oxygen and poor sleep habits. This leaves children prone to daytime fatigue, an inability to concentrate in school and headaches.

An End to Ear Pain

Deep overbites and receding lower jaws may cause earaches, stuffiness or ringing in the ears. If infection has been ruled out, functional appliances can eliminate these symptoms effectively.

Facilitated Speech Development

Narrow jaws can confine the tongue and interfere with normal speech. Functional appliances help ensure proper growth and greatly enhance a child’s ability to speak normally.

Your Support

Parents want the best for their children; straight teeth, properly sized jaws, straight profiles and beautiful smiles. By treating problems early, you save money and may prevent the need for more extensive future treatment.