General Dentistry

General Dentistry Treatments

Professional Teeth Cleaning

Having a proper dental hygiene routine is crucial for preventing a multitude of oral health issues. Professional dental cleanings are an essential part for proper hygiene, ensuring your teeth and gums remain healthy and your smile stays radiant. Here is a detailed look at the benefits that come from visits to your dental professional at least every six months.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Tooth-colored fillings, or composite resins, are an increasingly popular choice in dentistry for their aesthetic and functional benefits. Unlike traditional silver amalgam fillings, tooth-colored or white fillings blend naturally with your teeth. They offer several advantages, both in terms of appearance and overall tooth health.

Inlays & Onlays

When preserving the integrity of a damaged tooth, inlays and onlays offer a superior blend of durability and aesthetics. Positioned between traditional dental fillings and dental crowns, these restorations are highly recommended for their ability to protect natural tooth structure while withstanding the rigors of daily use.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns, also known as “caps,” are a versatile dental restoration recommended for various dental issues. They are custom-fitted to encapsulate a natural tooth or a dental implant, providing a new external surface. Dental crowns restore a tooth’s natural size and shape, ensuring proper bite and alignment.

Dental Bridges

Losing a tooth can be stressful, not only for your oral health but also for your self-confidence. Dental bridges offer a solution that is both functional and aesthetic, allowing you to bridge the gap caused by missing teeth. They bridge gaps between teeth to replace missing teeth with an artificial tooth that blends with natural teeth.

Dental Bonding

Dental or tooth bonding, is a dental treatment that can subtly or significantly enhance the aesthetics and function of your teeth. This process involves applying a tooth-colored resin to the surface of your tooth and then sculpting and polishing it to perfect the shape and color. It’s an excellent treatment for Huntley patients looking to improve the overall appearance of a chipped, discolored, or misaligned tooth without requiring invasive procedures.