Functional Appliances

Functional Appliances

Functional appliances all have a similar purpose: to help your jaws develop normally, and help you achieve facial balance. The two appliances most commonly used are the Twin Block and Rick-a-nator. They are removable appliances.Why are functional Appliances Important?

Twin Block

The Twin Block appliance is used to help a receded jaw grow forward and skinny or narrow jaws grow wider to help you keep all of your permanent teeth.

If you have an overbite (buck teeth), it’s usually caused by your lower jaw not growing out enough; on the other hand, crowded teeth most frequently mean that your jaw did not grow wide enough.

These are the cases in which Dr. Faubl may recommend a Twin Block – sometimes adding a few braces and wires to help give your appliance a head start.

Functional Appliances Huntley IL | Twin Block Image1
Functional Appliances Huntley IL | Twin Block Image2


If your teeth aren’t crowded, however, but your jaw is receded, Dr. Faubl may recommend the Rick-a-nator appliance.

And it may be that your course of treatment will require one appliance at one time in the process and another one at another time.

The important thing to remember is that these appliances can give you a really NICE face – a face that looks much more “balanced,” with a normal jaw line and a pleasing smile.

Your jaw really needs a lot of persuading to grow properly. So, your functional appliance must be worn nearly all of the time.

That means only taking the appliance out during sports, and for some wind instrument playing. Success with removable appliances depends on your being an active team member by wearing them as directed by the doctor.

For most patients, this success takes 9 to 12 months, the actual time depends on how fast you grow and how helpful you are with your own treatment. Growing jaws is hard work. If you persevere, you will see improvements in a few months – changes that will last a lifetime.

Functional Appliances Huntley IL | Rick-a-nator Image1
Functional Appliances Huntley IL | Rick-a-nator Image2

Why Are Functional Appliances So Important?

Functional Appliances Can Help Correct:

  • Bite Problems
  • Underdeveloped Jaws
  • Narrow Arches
  • Crowded Teeth
  • Deep Overbites
  • Jaw Joint Problems
  • Airway Problems
  • Thumb sucking Habits

And Can Often Prevent:

  • Removal Of Adult Teeth
  • Fang-Like Tooth Appearance
  • Lengthy Use of Braces
  • Speech Difficulties
  • Crowding

To Eliminate Crowding

Crowded teeth are caused by narrow arches. By developing the arches at an early age, we may prevent or eliminate the crowding of permanent teeth. Another advantage is that early treatment often eliminates the need to remove any adult teeth.

To Correct Underdeveloped Jaws

Almost 50% of children who need orthodontic treatment due to a bad bite have underdeveloped lower jaws. Functional appliances can reposition the lower jaw forward, improve the child’s profile and correct the bite problem – within 7 to 9 months!

See what a difference functional appliances made to this young girl’s profile!

Functional Appliances Before & After Treatment Huntley | Faubl Family Dentistry
Functional Appliances Before & After Treatment Huntley | Faubl Family Dentistry in Huntley